Hi, I'm Sheila, a 49 year old perimenopausal wife, mother, and full-time employee who lives in Virginia. I mention perimenopausal because that helps to explain why my mind is all over the place.
Please join me (AND FEEL FREE TO COMMENT) as I try to stress less, eat better, exercise for more than a week, do a better job of working my closet, continue getting organized, stay motivated, find inspiration, and live the rest of my days trying to do better than I did the day before.
This blog is a way to be accountable to myself, plus I've wanted to start one for a long time so, yeah, there's that. :-) I plan to post stuff I like - my outfits, freebies, quotes, food stuff, organizing stuff, just the kind of stuff I'm interested in.
I sold "famous maker" bras and lingerie on eBay for a few years, and I have stock I need to get rid of, so I plan to eventually add a selling page so I can get rid of that stock. These also make great prizes, so I'm sure I'll run some sort of contests eventually.
Anyway, thanks for joining me - I welcome your comments or questions. If you want to contact me via email, do so at yld_thng@yahoo.com.